Sunday, October 7, 2007

Free Write

Food is one of the basic necessities of survival. This does not mean that it has to be an experience that you do not enjoy. I grew up in the South so I have really become fond of the traditional Southern home cookin'. While growing up fried foods, rice, and gravy were staples in my house. Since coming to college I have experienced other types of food.
I do all of the cooking at my apartment and i rarely fry any food. I am not an artistic person. When it comes to the kitchen though i feel that i can experiment and create things. I do take things to seriously however. In recent cook outs i find myself worrying over the appearance of the food rather than the taste. I think this comes from the fact that I have a pretty good base of knowledge in seasoning and flavor and now i'm trying to refine my presentation methods.
I actually believe that i would enjoy attending a culinary school. I also have dreams of owning my own restaurant. The only thing that my restaurant will have to be is authentic. I can not stand going out to eat and sitting down at a restaurant only to be served bland food that has no "kick" to it.


Anonymous said...

I agree. If I'm going out to eat, I want to experience something that wows me.

I grew up on Southern cooking too, but I rarely fry for my family when I cookeither. Of course, there's nothing that hubby likes more than when I break my healthy rule and make them gravy with something fried, lol.

jhwesto said...

hey man, i blogged on your presentation. great job dude!